Last Modified: March 3nd, 2006
This chapter was originally translated by 'Stephen' for the Band of the Hawks manga release group.
0001 An Incident
Kurono: Whoaaa! Holy Shit! Where do girls like this live?
Kurono: Not around our school, that's for sure
Kurono: I'm Kei Kurono, High School 1st Year
Old Lady: Ex...excuse me, may I ask you a question? Can I get to Hinode station from here?
Kurono (thought): I doubt it, but it's too much of a pain in the ass to explain
Kurono: Yeah, you can
Old Lady: I see. Thank you very much.
Old Lady: Pardon me again, I don't think this is the right place after all
Kurono: Look, Lady. Try to figure it out on your own, yeah? Don't rely on other people so much
Old Lady: I'm sorry...
Kurono: Yeah, so I don't appear to be the brightest crayon in the box... but I still look down on the rest of the world.
Kurono: Even in that guy over there lives to be old, he probably doesn't think about anything too deep, and younger people are even worse. Absolute shit for brains, I swear and these kind of guys... ahh, who cares...
Kurono: Agh!! it's him!!
Kurono: Masaru Kato. I think. He looks the same as he did as a kid. I heard he turned rough after he transferred in Elementary school. Probably doesn't remember me.
Kurono: We played a lot... yeah, he was probably my best friend. Ahhh, shit. He's probably just a worthless punk by now.
Hobo: Owwwww...
People on platform: What the? That guy- What happened? He just wobbled, and fell right off...
Kurono: Oh shit, that guys way plastered
Hobo: Owwww...
Kurono: No station attendants are coming...
People on platform: Are you okay, mister?
Kurono: Nobody's gonna go down there to help him.
People on platform: Any attendants coming?
Kurono: Not a guy like that.
Hobo: Owwwww...
Kurono: Hey, if the situation just stays like this... I'll see a guy get splattered into pieces. You only see that shit in movies and comics.
People on platform: Oh my god, serious? Hey, Mister!!
Kurono: !? Hehe, the punk's shakin' in his shoes. He's afraid of seein' a dead body. Yeah, he was always kind of a wuss, back as a kid...
Kato: Okay. I'll do it.
Kurono: !?... huh...!?
Kurono: Hey!! What the hell is he doing?! What are you doing?! Are you nuts?!
People on platform: Hey. What's he doing? He's gonna die!
Kato: Hahh
People on platform: Look out! C'mon get back up here!
Kurono: What a moron... what does he think he's doing...? Trying to show off? They haven't announced the train coming in yet. If he's quick about it, he might be able to...
Kato: Hey! get up man!!
Hobo: Owww, hurts
Kato: Hey!! somebody!! hahh Get down here and help!! hahh
People on platform: !? What are the attendants doing?! Hey, did anybody go call the station people?
Kato: Hey, come on people!! hahh are you going to leave me down here to die, too?! hahh
Kurono: But still, you're the one lacking common sense here... Just forget it and climb back up already.
Kato: hahh hahh hahh
Kurono: Fuck
Kato: Hahh Hahh
Kurono: Oh, please god, no!! I can't do that!!
Kato: Kei-chan!! is that Kei-Chan?!
Kurono: Uh... No no no no, Absolutely not!! Don't look at me that way, people ! you go instead!! No, why am I climbing down...?
Kato: Hurry!
Kurono (thought): Why me?! Why did you climb down? Were you happy that he recognised you?
Kato: Squat down
Kurono: Huh?
Kato: Just squat down
Kurono (thought): That's all?! You're risking your life over that?
Announcer: Train now arriving on line 2. Please step back behind the white line.
People on platform: Hey, Hey look out!
Kato: Hurry up! go, go!!
Kurono (thought): I know that already... I just can't get any strength into it
Kato: Hurry, stand up!! go, go!! go go go!!!
Kurono (thought): Why is this happening? I could die... oh crap, I'm gonna puke (is sick)
People on platform: Hey! Hurry, get on up here! now!
Kato: Hey, run!!
Kurono: Huh?!
People on platform: Hey! hey!! kyaaa!
Kurono: No, how is running going to help you?
Kato: When the train comes into the station it slows down first you know? hahh hahh Just run out past the place where the front car is gonna stop
Kurono: Oh yeah... I didn't think of that. hahh hahh. Yes!! we still have a chance!!
People on platform: That's the non-stop express you idiots!! kyaa!
Kurono: Just moments ago I was staring at a swimsuit model. I was gonna go home and watch a cooking battle on Gurunai but now I'm gonna die. No!! I don't wanna die!>
Kato: An opening, look for an opening to duck under!! There's gotta be one somewhere around here!! Kurono: There aren't any!!
People on platform: Kyaaa
Kurono: What the ...? Whoa... Kato... Eugh, Nasty! damn... Serves you right, dumb ass
People on platform: Kyaaa!! Waah!! Kyaa! Whoa! Bleaargh!!
Kurono: Oh... well... least it's over
People on platform: Waah!!
Kurono: Oh shut up, what the hell are you screaming abo-
Kurono: Hahh Hahh Huff
Kato: Hahh Hahh Huff
Both: What?!
People on platform: Ewww, their heads flew off! No way, Holy Shit, Seriousy? All in pieces?! Daaamn!
Man in coat: Urrgg...
People on platform: Hey did you see their heads fly off
Hobo: Uuggh, Shut up. Godammit...
Man in coat: Blrrfg!
Hobo: Shhhuut Up. Fuck'n
Man in coat: Bllgh!
Hobo: Eh, What?!
Man in coat: You-! those boys just-! urrlp! two teenagers-! bllrah! just died!! to save your life!!
Businessman: And here are two more
Kurono and Kato: Hahh Hahh Huff Huff Hahh
Kurono: Hahh Hahh Hahh
Kato: Hahh Hahh Hahh
People on platform: Huh?
Attendant: Well, where is it? I don't see anything.
People on platform: Huh?! No. It was... right here...
Attendant: And you really saw them get hit by the train? There isn't even any blood. Aren't there any hands lying around?
People on platform: But their heads, they just like. Huh?
Woman: I saw it, too!
Businessman: Were you boys... about to die, too?
Kurono and Kato: Hahh Hahh Hahh Hahh
Kurono (thought): I had absolutely no idea what had just happened but I could tell... that I would never, ever be going back...
2006 Rights belong to the original author.